Bremen | Germany | 24 JULY
Frühe Ideenvalidierung ist entscheidender Faktor, Produkte zielgerichtet am Marktbedarf entwickeln zu können. Seid dabei und testet die Produkte von nachhaltigen Bremer Startups und helft ihnen mit eurem Feedback! Los geht’s am 24.07., ab 16:30 Uhr im Rahmen des Nachhaltigkeitstags auf dem Domshof Bremen powered by Inno-Quarter und Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven.
An innovation broker is a person who guides you within the InnoQuarter process. The innovation broker from your country will contact you from the moment you register your innovation. An intake interview will be used to determine which festival is suitable for your innovation. If a community decision is made to test in another country, another innovation broker will take over the contact. Every country has its own innovation broker who knows the festival like no other. Do you have a question for one of the innovation brokers? Feel free to contact them!