Bremen | Germany | 7-13 JUNE
Open worlds – share knowledge!
In the 50th anniversary year of the University of Bremen, the fifth OPEN CAMPUS will take place from 07 – 13 June 2021. Be excited about a cool and exciting program.
“OPEN WORLDS – SHARE KNOWLEDGE” is the motto of the OPEN CAMPUS 2021: The university shows what it is made of! In more than 40 pagodas in the middle of the Campus Park, departments, institutes, affiliated institutes and various central facilities will give exciting insights into their work and projects. In addition to a varied stage program, there are exciting things to discover at every turn in the Campus Park: Science shows, poetry slams, original lectures and guided institute tours. In the evening, the big open-air party begins. The University of Bremen cordially invites everyone to be there and experience “university” from a completely different perspective.
Check out the website for latest updates & the program:
An innovation broker is a person who guides you within the InnoQuarter process. The innovation broker from your country will contact you from the moment you register your innovation. An intake interview will be used to determine which festival is suitable for your innovation. If a community decision is made to test in another country, another innovation broker will take over the contact. Every country has its own innovation broker who knows the festival like no other. Do you have a question for one of the innovation brokers? Feel free to contact them!