This year Interract invite all Interreg programmes to participate in the “Interreg 30 years project slam” and celebrate the anniversary of cooperation by showing, in an entertaining and innovative way, the story of a different Interreg projects. The objective is to find the best project practices, and to present them both in social media and during the live final performance. The theme of the project must fall within the 3 themes mentioned in the section below.
Participation is open to all Interreg programmes and projects, including Interreg IPA-CBC and Interreg ENI CBC programmes, of any programming period. However, if the project is from the previous programming periods, it needs to be sustainable and still relevant today. For example, a clean-up project that happened once 10 years ago may not be relevant today. A project which enabled regular maintenance of a public park to this day is relevant.
In order to take part in the “Interreg 30 years Project Slam”, applications must be submitted by a Managing Authority or Joint Secretariat of programmes, which will take the full responsibility of participation in this initiative. Each programme shall identify their most appropriate project(s) within the selected themes and submit an application following a “storytelling structure”.
To help you with the process, Interact is organising a set of supporting webinars where we will explain this methodology and the technical details. In addition to the webinar, you will be able to benefit from personalised support in the application phase from a communication expert who can guide you through the whole process.
Based on the received applications, Interact will invite 6 projects (two per topic), to perform live in Brussels in the Grand Finale of the “Interreg 30 years project slam”. InnoQuarter is proud to announce that we are one of the finalist in the theme YOUTH!